January 25, 2013

The family

1. Review the vocabulary. Move the cursor around and listen to the words.
2. Watch this video and answer the following questions (check your answers in 'comments').

Younger: más joven            
Older: más viejo                   
Grew up: crecimos (pasado)      
Passed away: murieron (pasado)

1.       How many people are in her family? 
2.       How old is her brother? 
3.       How old is Jo? 
4.       How old is her sister? 
5.       Where does most of her family live? 
6.       Where does she live? 
7.       Where does her sister live? 
8.       Does she have any grandparents?
9.       How many aunts does she have? 
10.   How many uncles does she have? 
11.   How many cousins does she have? 
12.   Does she have nephews and nieces? 
13.   When does she see her family? Tick the correct answers.
On holidays       at Christmas      in summer         on birthdays      on weddings    

Telling the time

1. Watch this video and learn to tell the time.
2. Watch this video and learn to tell the digital time.
3. Watch this video. The second part has the same scenes but with the subtitles. At the bottom of the page you have the explanation.

January 21, 2013

Martin Luther King

One important day to commemorate falls in the middle of January and is certainly a cause for thanks and remembrance: Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. People honor and celebrate the life of Dr. King for many reasons, but most importantly, for his role in working to achieve race equality in America. Martin Luther King Day is celebrated in the USA on the 3rd Monday of January.
Click here to learn about Martin Luther King's life.