November 27, 2015


1. Vocabulary

2. Reading

Look at old posts about Thanksgiving clicking on "Festivities" and learn more things about this holiday.


Click here. Listen and repeat.

Common adjectives

Image result for adjectives1. Click here. Listen and write the adjectives you hear. Then check your answers in 'comments'.
2. Click here and do the same.
3. Click here and read the adjectives. Click here, listen and repeat.
4. Listen and choose the correct adjective.

Objects and Plurals

Click here. Read the grammar and do the exercises.


Click here. Do unit 1 from this course (6 pages) and review the verb be, the alphabet, numbers, things...

November 20, 2015


Image result for objetosClick here to see a list of objects and listen to them. 

Listen and choose the right picture.


Click here to watch a video and do some exercises about plurals.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5

Classroom language II

November 13, 2015

Classroom objects and instructions

Click here to see an old post about this topic.
Click here to watch a video.

Checking in

Click here to see some useful phrases (you can hear them clicking on them).

The Alphabet

1. Click here. Review the alphabet and similar letters.

2. Listen and write the names of fifteen cities.

3. A video with English names:


Exercise 1

Exercise 2

November 01, 2015

Days of the week

Click here if you want to do some activities with days of the week (a new blog for absolute beginners).