April 09, 2010

My best memory

Listen to an American girl talking about her best memory and answer the questions. (Answers in "comentarios").
1. What's her best memory?
2. When did it happen?
3. How long did they stay?
4. It was good and interesting because...
a) they worked with her.
b) they went shopping with her.
c) they got to know about her life in France.
5. Where did she work last year?
6. What did they do in Paris?
7. Did they have a good time?
8. Do they understand now why she likes living in France?

1 comment:

eoilumi1 said...

1. When her family came to visit her in France.
2. A few months ago/ on Thanksgiving.
3. For about a week.
4. c
5. In a high school.
6. They visited all the touristy places, they had coffee, they went to restaurants...
7. Yes, they did.
8. Yes, they do.