May 18, 2018

Profile: Paula Harrid

Watch the video and answer the questions. Check your answers in "comments".

1. Where's Paula from?
2. Does she have children?
3. What does she do?
4. Who is Peter?
5. What does Peter do?
6. Where's he from?
7. How old is Sarah?
8. How old is Mary?
9. Where's Mary today?

1 comment:

eoilumi1 said...

1. She's from Bristol, in England.
2. Yes, she does. She has two children (daughters).
3. She's a shop assistant in a bookshop.
4. Peter is Paula's husband.
5. He's a businessman.
6. He's from Scotland.
7. Sarah is three months old.
8. Mary is five years old.
9. Mary is at school today.