November 28, 2018

November 23, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

Resultado de imagen de thanksgivingClick here to see some activities related to the holiday.

November 16, 2018


Resultado de imagen de how to make plural nouns in english

Click here and watch a video explaining the pronunciation of -s / -es. The script (the words in the video) is there too.
Pronunciation of the final S in English

Click here to see old posts about plurals with more videos and exercises.

November 15, 2018

November 03, 2018


Resultado de imagen de halloween 2018Halloween

Halloween is the time of the year when the gates between our world and "the other world" are open. On October 31st people remember the dead and celebrate the beginning of the Celtic New Year.

On Halloween, the monsters, witches and ghosts come to our world. We can also see vampires in the form of bats

That evening all children dress up in Halloween costumes and they visit their neighbours' houses shouting "Trick or Treat". If they don't give them candy, the children play a trick on them. Sometimes they go to haunted houses and tell spooky stories.

Jack-O-Lanterns are the symbol of Halloween. They are pumpkins with a horrible face cut out and with a candle inside.

November 01, 2018


  Click here to see old posts about Halloween and practise the vocabulary and the song.

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