April 02, 2020


Modal Verbs - Lessons - Tes Teach

Click here. Read the explanation and do the exercises. 

Click here to see old posts about the same topic.

March 27, 2020

My daily routine in the USA

1. Start watching the video. It stops and asks you to complete or order sentences.

2. Click here to listen to a conversation. Don't look at the script. Listen and do the quiz (three times). Then listen and read the script.


Watch the video and answer the questions. See the answers and the script in "comments".

stir-fry: salteado / revuelto
rent: alquilar
rarely: hardly ever- casi nunca

Conversation one:
1. What does she do on the weekend (American English)?
2.  Where does she sometimes go?
3. How often does she go to the lake? Why?

Conversation two:
1. What does she usually have for dinner?
2. How often does she eat stir-fry? Why?

Conversation three:
1. How often does he take the bus to work? Why?
2. How often does she drive to work? Why?

Conversation four:
1. How often does she go to the movies (American English: to the cinema)? Why?
2. What does he do?
3. Is Internet fast?

Remember to click on "frequency" in contents to see more activities about frequency.


Click here. Read the explanation and do the three exercises.

March 18, 2020

Prepositions of Time

Resultado de imagen de prepositions of time A1Click here to see an explanation and do three exercises.

March 17, 2020

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Resultado de imagen de st patrick's day gifs

Click here to learn some vocabulary.

You can also use this website to learn the vocabulary.  You can use "Quizlet" to create your own flashcards and study vocabulary!

Try this quiz to test your knowledge about St. Patrick's Day.

March 14, 2020


Practise the vocabulary 1

Practise the vocabulary 2

Click here to see an interactive book with times and daily routines.


Click here to do an exercise.

Listen to Leslie and answer the questions. Check your answers in comments.
What does she do at...

9.00 o'clock  ___________________?
9.30 am        ___________________?
10.00 o'clock  ___________________?
1.00 o'clock   ___________________?
5.00 o'clock   ___________________?
6.00 o'clock   ___________________?
8.00 o'clock   ___________________?
9.00 o'clock   ___________________?
11.00 o'clock ___________________?
Look at old posts about daily routines.


Hola a tod@s:

Como sabéis, se han suspendido las clases temporalmente. Los profesores vamos a seguir trabajando desde casa, mandándoos materiales y actividades para que sigáis aprendiendo. Yo voy a intentar abrir una clase en Google Classroom para que sea más fácil. Os he enviado al correo electrónico que tenía en vuestras fichas una invitación para uniros a dicha clase (por favor, mirad la bandeja de spam o correo no deseado). No sé si los que no tenéis cuenta en gmail tendréis que abriros una para poder utilizarlo. Es la primera vez que utilizo esta plataforma, así que os pido paciencia al principio. He enviado un correo a los delegad@s y subdelegad@s de vuestros grupos para informarles y darles mi correo electrónico por si tenéis algún problema, supongo que os lo podrán facilitar a través de vuestros grupos de Whatsapp. 

Espero que la situación vuelva a la normalidad cuanto antes y os pido que intentéis seguir trabajando desde casa para no perder el curso (en este blog tenéis muchas cosas para trabajar por vuestra cuenta también).

Muchas gracias.

Un saludo,


February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

Resultado de imagen de valentine's day gif
Click here to see old posts about this topic.

January 24, 2020


Resultado de imagen de jobsClick here to see old posts about jobs in English.

Present Simple

Click here and look at old posts to review affirmative and negative sentences and yes/no questions.

Resultado de imagen de present simple

January 17, 2020

My life

Listen to Leslie talking about her life in San Francisco and complete the sentences. Check your answers in "comments".

I _________ (1)  in San Francisco.
San Francisco is on the _________(2) coast of the ____________(3).
We _________ (4) a beach, a  ___________ (5) park with a lot of trees. It’s _________  _________ (6).
I live in _________  _________ (7) with _________  _________ (8) .

I  _________  (9) at a bank and I ride my bike _________  _________ (10) .

January 10, 2020


Click here to see old posts about the same topic.


Click here to play a game and learn feeling adjectives.

Do an exercise here.


Resultado de imagen de happy new year gif 2020