January 26, 2019


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Listen to four women talk about their jobs and complete the sentences. You need these adjectives: exciting / boring / stressful / difficult. Check your answers in “comments”.

  1. Teresa has a job at a ____________________. She’s a security guard. Her job is pretty ____________________ because she stands around all ____________________.
  2. Cecilia works in a ____________________. She’s a ____________________. She ____________________ lunch and dinner there. Her job is ____________________ but she ____________________ it.
  3. Christine works in a ____________________. She’s a ____________________. She ____________________ with the band there. It’s ____________________.
  4. Caterine ____________________ for Transnational Airlines. She’s a ____________________. The job is ____________________ but she really ____________________ it.

January 19, 2019


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January 10, 2019

Present Simple

I. Click here to do an exercise with affirmative and negative sentences.

II. Click here to do an exercise with affirmative and negative sentences. The answers are on the third page.

III. Watch the video and complete the sentences. Check your answers in "comments".

1. René is ___________________________ and she's a ___________________________ .
2. She lives in a ___________________________  in London. She lives with her two dogs and ___________________________ .
3. She wakes up late, at ___________________________ in the morning.
4. She has ___________________________ and ___________________________ for breakfast.
5. After breakfast she goes ___________________________ . After she comes home, she ___________________________  in her home office until 6 o'clock in the ___________________________ .
6. She never has lunch but she always eats a ___________________________ . 
7. She often invites friends over and ___________________________ dinner for them.
8. After dinner she usually ___________________________  or reads ___________________________ .
9. She ___________________________ to sleep at midnight.
10. At ___________________________ she visits her parents in Manchester.