May 17, 2019

Trying on new clothes

Clothes- Click on "Clothes" in contents to do more vocabulary and listening about this topic.

Part 1 – Vocabulary Preview (check your answers in "comments")

• Complete the sentences below with the words in the box.

sweater                      fit (v- it’s the right size for you)        mirror             on sale             try … on        
fitting room (changing room)                                                size                  scarf

1. I always wear gloves and a long ______________ when it’s cold outside.
2. These shoes don’t ______________ me. They’re too small.
3. A: Excuse me. Where can I ______________ these clothes _________?
4. B: You can try them on in the ______________ ______________ over there.
5. I can see myself in a ______________.
6. This hat is too big. I need a smaller ______________.
7. I feel cold. I’m going to put on a ______________.
8. All of these clothes are _________ ______________. They don’t cost very much.

Part 2 – Listening Comprehension (check your answers in "comments")

Listen to Tom and his Dad talk about trying on new clothes. Choose the best answers.

1. Which color does Tom like better?            A. blue B. green C. he’s not sure
2. Tom needs a fitting room.                         A. TRUE B. FALSE
3. Which size fits Tom?                                 A. size ‘S’ B. size ‘M’ C. size ‘L’
4. There are no … sweaters in the store.       A. green B. brown C. gray
5. The sale ends ….                                       A. today B. tomorrow C. Monday
6. Tom doesn’t want to wear ….                  A. gloves B. a sweater C. a scarf

Part 3 – Listening, Spelling Practice (check your answers in "comments")

• Listen again and write the missing words.

Resultado de imagen de changing rooms in a clothes shop

Dad: Tom, which sweater do you like better, this green one or this blue one?
Tom: Shopping for clothes is sooo (1)__________!
Dad: Yeah, I know. But which one do you like better?
Tom: Well, I like the blue one, I guess. Do I have to try it on?
Dad: Yes, you have to try it on. We have to know if it (2)__________ you.
Tom: Okay. Do I need a (3)__________ __________?
Dad: No, it’s just a sweater. You can put it on over your (4)__________.
Tom: Okay. Just a minute …
Dad: Do you need any (5)__________?
Tom: No, I’ve got it …. So, how does it look?
Dad: There’s a (6)__________ right over here. Take a look. What do you think? How does it (7)__________? Do you like it?
Tom: It looks okay, but it feels a little (8)__________. I think I need a larger size.
Dad: Here’s a larger size. It’s a size ‘L’.
Tom: A size ‘L’? You mean ‘Large’?
Dad: Yeah, you’re growing up fast! How does the sweater feel? Does it fit better?
Tom: Yeah it feels better than a size ‘M’. But I’m not so sure about the (9)__________. I think maybe I want a brown sweater.
Dad: They don’t have brown.
Tom: Okay, then let me (10)_____ _____ gray.
Dad: They don’t have gray. No, (11)__________, they do have gray. It’s the last one in gray. (12)__________ __________ _____ …. A gray sweater in a size ‘Large’. What do you think?
Tom: Hey, not bad! And it’s (13)_____ __________, right?
Dad: It is, yeah. But the sale ends today. Maybe we can buy a few more things for you before the sale ends. Maybe a scarf or maybe a pair of gloves.
Tom: Oh, shopping is so boring! And, anyway, I don’t want to wear a scarf. I (14)__________ __________ scarves.
Dad: Well, then, we need to buy you a new pair of gloves. I’m sure your old ones are (15)__________ __________ for you now. You can wear them on Monday – tomorrow – at school.
Tom: Oh, all right.

1 comment:

eoilumi1 said...

Part 1
1. scarf
2. fit
3. try … on
4. fitting room
5. mirror
6. size
7. sweater
8. on sale
Part 2
1. A (blue)
2. B (FALSE)
3. C (size ‘L’)
4. B (brown)
5. A (today)
6. C (a scarf)
Part 3
1. boring
2. fits
3. fitting room
4. shirt
5. help
6. mirror
7. feel
8. small
9. color
10. try on
11. wait
12. Here you go
13. on sale
14. never wear
15. too small